Advice | How Do I Tame My Temper?

Erin Green
3 min readDec 9, 2022
The Spin Advice Column

The Spin is a modern take on the classic advice column. Get out of your head and take mine for a spin. New posts every Friday!

Have you ever been so angry that you just exploded? We see it daily with flagitious flight passengers and obscene encounters caught on camera just as their inner Hulk rises to the surface. For the most part, we all watch in disbelief, and at times even disgust, as tempers swelter to an unruly degree, assuming that we are above the fray when it comes to emotional outbursts. In reality, our frustrations are much closer to flaring up than we care to admit. That’s why I’m grateful for this week’s submission and the opportunity to talk about taming our tempers.



I’ll start by saying that anger is a necessary emotion. It is equally beneficial to our development as happiness, surprise, sadness, and the sentiments in our Rolodex of feelings. Because we’ve been socially programmed to suppress our anger, moments of hyper-aggression, like those mentioned by our friend, can be misunderstood as an emotional volcano when they are actually more of a gas leak.



Erin Green

A human sharing her rebooting process | Short Stories + Musings + Tips for Self-Discovery, Art + Cultural, Society